By Blake Hise, TSCPA Nashville Chapter Student Ambassador

When firms seek
to hire college students, one of their most common concerns with this demographic
is lack of experience. To overcome this barrier, ask meaningful
questions with a demonstration of
competence and professionalism based on the recruiter’s oral representation of the firm’s services. Learning to ask better questions can
be extremely resourceful in your job search as an aspiring
In almost every exchange,
the recruiter will provide an overview of the company’s services. This
information can challenge many students, because it is often industry-specific
and outside the scope of accounting taught at the undergraduate level. Many students may become inattentive, nod and smile politely,
or simply wait to ask the next question they have rehearsed.
However, the
recruiter’s representation of the firm’s services presents a unique opportunity
to demonstrate your accounting knowledge. If you can repeatedly
ask insightful questions based on the recruiter’s information, you will
successfully project competence, an ability to think on your feet and a
genuine interest in the organization. This will, of course, work alongside your
communication skills and resume to make a great impression.
The key question,
then, is how do we learn to ask better questions throughout the recruiting
process? Here are a few steps that are helping me to develop this critical
Listen Actively: The
first step to asking better questions involves making the effort to listen attentively to understand the firm’s services.
Relate Information To Your Accounting Knowledge: The differences between the recruiter’s
experience and your overall knowledge of accounting create an opportunity for
you to ask questions that “bridge the gap” between academia and real-life application.
Draw on your accounting knowledge to understand the services the firm provides.
Then, ask questions that relate what you already know from your accounting
coursework to the recruiter’s description of the firm’s services.
Imagine This Will Be Your Job: To identify which questions are best to ask, I have found it helpful to maintain the mindset that you are going to be hired by this company in the following week. What concerns would you have with the details of this position? What would you want to know about the industry?
Use Current Events: Relating
a firm’s services to current events is an excellent way to learn more about the
industry and indicate that you stay abreast of developments in the field. Tax
reform, healthcare reform and the new revenue recognition standards are a few
example topics that can lead to interesting conversations.
Repeat and Practice: Be
sure to repeat this process throughout the exchange with the recruiter. Employers
frequently interpret a candidate having too few questions as being disinterested
or inexperienced. Asking too many questions is more favorable than asking too
few. You should constantly be probing for better, more insightful questions to
Professionals in
the accounting field are generally passionate about their work and enjoy
discussing it in detail with interested students. Next time you are in a career
fair or interview situation, take the time to consider if you are asking
questions that project competence and give the hiring company a great
impression of you as a candidate.