By Keely Apple, 2017-18 TSCPA Student Ambassador for Upper Cumberland Chapter
Every Accounting
student dreams of success. As students, we all have a similar idea of what
success looks like for a CPA. Picture this: you are sitting in an office with
wall to wall windows overlooking a picturesque city landscape. Sounds familiar,
right? At this point, I bet you are wondering, “How do I become that successful?”
Achieving success can sometimes seem difficult or overwhelming. How exactly
does one achieve success? The process begins with good grades, obtaining an
internship and then accepting one of many job offers. It is as easy as that -
or is it? I would like to share some tips I have learned throughout my college
career to maximize your chances of landing your dream job that will set you
apart from the crowd.

One of
our main concerns as students is a lack of relevant work experience. In order
to overcome this obstacle, getting involved may be the solution. Getting
involved on campus shows employers that you are not only good at working with
others, but it can also aid in behavioral interview questions. Have you ever
been in an interview and the interviewer asks, “Name a time when you…?" I think
we all have and without relevant work experience or experience working with
others, it is a pretty hard question to answer. Getting involved and working
with an organization or club can help you with those questions you aren’t sure
how to answer. Give an example. Getting involved is my first recommendation to
set yourself up for success.
build a rapport with your professors. This is super important. Not only are
they more understanding when you have to miss class for a job fair or
interview, but they can also assist you in your job search or make
recommendations for you when you are confused. Often times, Accounting majors
are confused on whether they should be in tax or audit, industry or public
accounting. Your professors have been there, and they have also seen many
students walk the same path you have. Utilize this resource. I promise you will
not regret it.
Third, have
a positive attitude. Conveying positivity and confidence is a trait that will
serve you throughout college, during interviews and throughout your career as a
CPA. A positive attitude is infectious. When you portray confidence and
happiness, it is as if everyone else cannot help but to do the same. Professors
notice students that have a good attitude, and employers want to see what you
will be like around people you have just met. An interview is about more than
just how you answer the questions, it is about how you present yourself and
exude confidence. One thing to remember about confidence is to not confuse
confidence with arrogance. While there is a fine line between the two, most
people know when they have gone too far. If you are concerned that you may be
coming off as arrogant, have someone give you a mock interview, and let you
know what they think (make sure this person is someone who is going to be honest;
the only way to improve is to receive constructive criticism).
I have briefly mentioned interviews. Let’s dive deeper into what is expected at
an interview. Of course, dress appropriately and have good hygiene, but besides
the basics, let’s talk about what is going to set you apart from you peers.
Every interviewer is going to ask if you have any questions about the company
or position. Performing research prior to the interview with the companies or
firms you are most interested in is imperative to have relevant questions. No one wants the question, “What does your
firm do?” Please do not be the person to ask this question. If it is a question
that can be answered by their website, chances are they will know you are not
prepared. Questions tailored specifically to the position are always
appreciated and indicate your true interest in the company. Something you may
want to ask yourself is, “If I were conducting the interview, how would someone
portray genuine interest in the company?”
cannot build a skyscraper without a plan and a solid foundation. Build a solid
foundation by presenting yourself adequately on paper, in person and online. Make
sure you are up to par in these areas. Go to a resume workshop and have someone
review it. Clean up your social media. Consider a professional networking
website such as LinkedIn. These are all examples of ways to brand yourself. So,
do it. Shoot for the Stars. Be a Success. Land your dream job as a CPA!
Photo Cred: Freimuth, Ian. “Office With a View.” Flickr, Yahoo!, Chicago, 15 Oct. 2012,